Breaking news
  1. Obstacle Course Sport – definition
  2. IXGL PreSeason starts soon
  3. International Xcellence Games League

Rules and Format

Welcome to the International Xcellence Games League (IXGL) – We are aiming to bring together the obstacle course sport communities from around the world by way of online experience levels Leaderboards. The format of the league will allow athletes from across the world where obstacle course sports are practiced, to compete locally in their home gyms with no traveling expenses and have their competition scores ranked internationally.

Rules and Format

All adult and youth competitors must register with IXGL to have their scores aggregated in the international Leaderboards. Membership in IXGL differs from country to country based on the local economical purchasing power. Your membership will not only rank your results and experience level in the Leaderboards but also give you access to the IXGL app that will offer great content and features to keep you motivated to train and compete, to connect and interact with fellow athletes from around the world. We are a not for profit organization, your contribution and participation will drive the success of the League. Our purpose is to serve the international obstacle course sport communities and ensure that the sport of obstacle courses will be around for a long time.  

Each participating Gym will host competitions once a month, when a  predetermined course will be set up for participants to compete and accumulate  XPs for their placings in the IXGL leaderboards. The course can be presented to  the Gyms members earlier in the month when they can train and practice the  skills to conquer the course to their best physical and mental abilities. The Gyms  may present their courses online as well to attract the interest of more  participants in their areas. The same course shall be available for a 4 week  period (3 weeks of training/preparation and competition held on the 4th week). For that month, all participating gyms will have a similar difficulty course so athletes will have a fair ranking on the IXGL leaderboards.

Each Gym shall provide a Time Keeper to track and record the completion time  of the course for each competitor. The competition shall be judged by IXGL  Judges that may be on location or off site viewing the live stream remotely.

Competitors shall be scheduled to compete in time slots with the length of the  time slots to be determined by the Gyms based of how many Competitors  register to compete. Gyms have the discretion to allow or not allow any  spectators at the competitions based on their local regulations with respect to  social distancing procedures.

To ensure the fairness of XPs awarded across the competitions and Gyms, since some Gyms have different obstacles than other Gyms, IXGL will provide guidelines in the form of an Obstacles Catalog comprising of difficulty categories for each obstacle.

An objective and  merit reward system based on experience points (XPs) representing the  Competitors’ skill levels shall be used in all Regional and Continental qualifying  competitions. The top 10% of male & female competitors in each age and experience level group  will move up on to the next Leaderboard and bottom 5% of male and female  competitors demoted to a lower Leaderboard.

Gyms will be required to have obstacles that challenge the upper body and grip  strength, balance and agility . Gym inspections will be performed by IXGL  officials and will be deemed qualified by said inspectors. League competitions  will be Live Streamed and recorded into IXGL’s Media Recording Systems. Gyms will be held responsible in providing proper safety mats and padding to  keep competitors safe and injury free. Gyms must also be insured and have  safety waivers for competitors on file.

IXGL uses a scoring system for each competition on a League course.  Everyone registered to compete must make an honest effort to run the full  course. Each competitor that participates in IXGL is starting their run with 15  points. If they run the course with no mistakes the 15 XP accumulate to their  placing in Leaderboards.

Bonus XPs – each competition will offer the competitors a chance  to score bonus XPs.  Three obstacles will be awarded bonus points as follows: 1st obstacle will award 2 XPs, 2nd obstacle will award 3 XPs and the 3rd will award 5XPs. First bonus obstacle should be the second obstacle in the course, second bonus obstacle at the middle point of the course and the third bonus obstacle before the last obstacle of the course. These  obstacles are to be presented during the walkthrough.

Fails – a Fail is a mistake the athlete makes on an obstacle, like falling off or going out of bounds. If 3 Fails occur 5 XP will be deducted  from the 15 participation XP that count towards their competitive experience  and placing in Leaderboards. If a competitor completes the course with 1 Fail,  13 XP are rewarded, if a competitor completes the course with 2 Fails 12  XP are rewarded. Again a course completed with no Fails receives 15 XP  plus the bonus points. On the 3rd, last Fail the points stop accruing but the competitor may choose to finish the course or stop. Depending how long it may take to complete the reminder of the course the Head Judge may make the call to end the run. An athlete that accrues any Fails can not receive any Bonus points for this course run.

To be clear, no bonus points are awarded at all if a competitor Fails one or more obstacles.

Retries – there are a pool of 3 retries that the competitor may choose to strategize on which obstacles he/she should use. If a Fail occurs on a bonus obstacle, bonus XPs may not be awarded on a Retry of the obstacle. A Retry on an obstacle means there are no Bonus points for that obstacle.

Deciding factors for placings – XPs comes 1st followed by Time, Fails and then Retries. For example, competitors that have the most XPs, the fastest/shortest time and no Fails and no Retries places higher.

Bonus XPs can be kept only if the competitor completes the course, otherwise they are void.

After the completion of each obstacle the competitor has a maximum of 30 seconds to be on the next obstacle. A 5 seconds countdown should be given to the athlete at which time his/her hands or feet should be in contact and moving on the next obstacle. Warped wall will have a max 30 seconds between each attempt.

If an athlete rests for longer than 30 seconds, the course timer immediately starts and their course run time will be affected.

Head Judge will have final say on whether or not a competitor has  properly completed a course obstacle. At the end of the age group completion,  video of the run will be reviewed by 2 League Judges. Judge’s final ruling is final on obstacle completion.

Each age group will be presented a walk-through of the competition course  after which time they can take turns in test running the course to get a good  warm up and get comfortable with the obstacles of the course for an optimal  competition run. Depending on the number of the registered competitors at  each competition, the Judges will decide the allowed time competitors can use  the course before the official start of the competition for each group, considering that some groups can be larger or smaller than others.

IXGL Leaderboards

XPs for each competitor accumulate in progressive leaderboards, each leader board representing the experience the competitors have.

Intro: A novice understanding of the skills. One has exposure to the skills and  understands the basic concepts but lacks experience.

Intermediate: Between a beginner and an advanced level. One has  experience and can carry out the skills but doesn’t yet master the advanced  concepts.

Advanced: One has accumulated more experience and began to master the  advanced skills concepts

Elite: A highly developed skill level. One has solid experience and training  with the skills and understanding of the advanced concepts. One demonstrates proficiency and superior skills level. High consistency in maintaining top placing in the leaderboard.

Participating Competitors (Age Groups)

IXGL competitive season starts with qualifiers in January until September, with the International televised Obstacle Quest to be held in October. All competitors must be  registered with IXGL prior to competing in a League Comp, failure to  register will result in competition results being voided.

Age groups will be  as follows:

Youth 14 -16 y/o

Women 17 -24 y/o

Women 25 -35 y/o

Women 36+ y/o

Men 17 -27 y/o

Men 28 – 38 y/o

Men 39+ y/o

Given the fact that every competition course will be known ahead of time when  everyone will get to train and practice the skills to clear the course successfully IXGL welcomes everyone to compete, including the course designer and gyms  staff. The Founders of IXGL are active competitors and they will lead by example, motivating and inspiring everyone to compete. You will be seeing their names on the IXGL Leaderboards.

Accumulating League Points

Competitors are encouraged to compete in as many qualifying competitions as  they can to build up their XP and move up in the Leaderboards but for the Finals placement best 3 scores will be considered. At each IXGL  competition top 10% of each age group moves up to the next Leaderboard and the last 5% of competitors in each age group get demoted to the previous  Leaderboard.

XPs accumulate with each competition into an Overall Leaderboard for each  season. After the advancement or demotion each competitor starts the new season with 0 XP.

Course & Obstacle General Rules & Guidelines

Courses will contain a minimum of 8 to a maximum of 15 obstacles. A run must  consist of a combination of upper and lower body obstacles that will be  predetermined by the course designer and presented to the IXGL Team. The course for the month will be planned the previous month (4 weeks ahead).

All gym obstacles must be deemed safe and regularly inspected and repaired  as needed prior to the beginning of each league competition. Obstacles must  be explained in full to all competitors during course review, please be specific  while explaining course and obstacles as to not cause any confusion on the course (i.e. what part of the cannonball will your hand or fingers be allowed to  hold or touch while using the obstacle during the run).

Dry or liquid chalk is admissible and encouraged to use for optimum  performance. Each Gym will have the say if they want the competitors to  solely use the chalk provided by the Gym or if they allow athletes to bring their own.

Course Judges

Each gym hosting an IXGL competition will have a minimum of 3 Course  Judges. The time will be kept at all times by 2 Judges. Also the points will be recorded by 2 Judges. At the end of each run, times and scores have to match  between the 2 Judges before being recorded in the system. If a discrepancy  occurs between the 2 Judges, the video of the course shall be reviewed for  clarification.

Course Judges will determine if a competitor has or has not completed a  course obstacle, all obstacles will be explained fully during the course run walk.  Obstacles will have a definitive beginning and completion point, this must be  explained in detail to all competitors during the course walk through. This will  be ultimately determined by the Head Course Judge. Head Course Judge will  be decided prior to the start of that days League Comp.

Course Design Process

Each participating Gym will provide a list with their obstacles that will be listed  in the IXGL app. A catalogue of obstacles that will be categorized in difficulty  levels will serve as guidance how to design the monthly courses that will be  objectively similar not in design but in difficulty across all the participating  gyms.